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Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Y 10:29 PM

hahaha if anyone still reads this. i cant believe i forgot about all of this!!! anyway i moved on to tumblr xD
well i have just read through all my post. really i cant believe how much a person can change in just a few years. 2 to be exact. it's like how could i be so freaking dumb? really, when i read this i was like this girl needs some anti-depression pills or something. well glad to know my friends still stick around. Seriously though weird. And if anyone would reply me, why the hell is saying seriously bimbo?

Oh yeah checkout yumenotouchuu.tumblr.com thanks

Thursday, July 9, 2009 Y 8:38 PM

LOL ashley effort was pretty good xD hahaha well today was swim PE something i dread.
haha but it turn out quite fun. i went to the beginner yes i m in Beginner xD .
You know the first thing he asked us to do was o blow bubbles!!! hahaha i couldnt stop laughing .
well yea after that we went to shower. omg i showered in 3 mins .! thats the fastest i ever showered , but i dint wash my hair so it was full chlorine!!!
well after recess was so slack,art then music. oh oh i m so going to buy a tablet!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 Y 7:38 PM

Fellow readers of Dora's blog (:
Hahah, this is Ashley! Ashley KOK? Ring a bell? Gosh, lame i know.
So anw, i shall make my attempt to help Dora post about "her life".
First period today was Home Econs! We had to make chicken salad. And as usual, and for like what seems forever, me and Dora are partners :D (Same as, labs and every other thing to do with our register numbers)
Had to cut the apple, cucumber and tear the lettuce and chicken. Wait, do you tear the chicken? Or was it shred. Right, shred hor?
Cut cut cut, then Mrs Ho suddenly goes, "Eh each of you cut HALF the apple okay?" So, i had no choice but to give the other half of the apple to Dora to cut. She looks at the apple, looks at me, then looks at the apple again ._.
Hahah, dont worry. Dora MANAGED to pull through huh? What so scary bout cutting apples, seriously?? :X But Dora is no doubt way better than me at washing those dishes, plus cleaning up. That goes without saying! Let Dora cut the egg, we had to add the dressing after that. I knew i wasnt gonna eat it anyway. So.
Dora chose! We went for Italian. And this blur block here didnt shake the bottle, and i pour out the oil instead. Dora was like, "Tsk, here!" -shakes bottle-
And i really have no idea what on earth happened, she laugh laugh laugh while she was "laying" the egg on our salads. Put until all over the place lah!
LMAO. Dora! I think she's gonna kill me when she sees this post :X It looks like i just gave you all the recipe for the chicken salad.

Oh, btw. Dora actually ate her salad.

Sunday, May 3, 2009 Y 8:45 PM

i m feeling giddy. and that the world is going against me

Thursday, April 9, 2009 Y 8:21 PM

today assembly we were oo close to 1i and chram and myra started laughing?
Then it was LA.miss chong was so enthu in the way she spoke, well at least it was interesting
and today mrs thong dint nag like woah!!!

Yea had another match and dint play. and WHY do i have to miss all the nice periods. I mean yesterday we could go support julia and nicole but since it was the softball match today i had to go training.and today i ahd to skip IT which was the most looked forward lesson of the WEEK =( but nvm, tmr is holiday ^^ so going to Nicole chong's house cant wait ahvent seen her for the past 2 months? yea about there

Friday, April 3, 2009 Y 10:09 PM

hey realised that life is interesting if you observe close enough . so i dint post cause there was nothing it was just that i was too lazy. So today Miss Chong dint come for the first time this year and the whole class was cheering i was like WTH!!!! i mean come on pls she is so nice why do they cheer ... well then lao shi came in and scolded us, the class come slient . really the power of teachers. then the rest of the day was normal and today coach came back gosh good thing i had salt. i dint need to face her wrath . and now my eye bags is not that bad yea! thanks to my every day 9 o'clock sleep thing ..i know its really early so today i shall try, ahem yes TRY the sleep late!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009 Y 5:38 PM

today woke up at 5.30 ahhh having eye bags now. so played 2 games one against tkgs i was scared we will be trashed because their b div so good but we dint =) thank God!yea so anyway going i was on the mrt and there were these two guys talking i overhaerd one saying yea i got 3 girls in my contacts !.... can you believe tht! and thats not all he later said to his fren how to start conversation with a girl? haha i couldnt stop laughing at tht!!! yea so now trying to tackle 3 pieces of homework!


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30th January

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